To be a journalist


Kenya 🇰🇪 “I made this purse out of an orange juice carton at The Hawkers Market Girls’ Centre in Nairobi. You make it by cutting it strategically around a template and then folding it to create the sections for the coins or credit cards. It is really robust and takes about half an hour to make. Me and a group of other girls have made 20 of these this morning and we plan to sell them in a small market area.

I'm saving up the money to work towards my future. I have a big dream and I don't know whether it will come true. When I was young I used to say: “I want to be a journalist.” My cousin is a newspaper reporter and she used to tell me how interesting it is. I’m working towards that.”

Jazzmin Jiwa

Journalist & Producer/Director

To amplify black voices


To open a boutique